The laundry room is a common area, and all residents are responsible for keeping it nice and clean.

Laundry room rules

1. Always clean the filters from lint and dirt.

2. Wipe the machines to remove detergent residue.

3. Clean out the detergent compartment and leave it open.

4. Leave the machine’s door open.

5. Clean the floors using a broom and a mop.

Leave the laundry room clean and tidy for the next neighbour.


Here it comes some video instructions for how to keep the laundry rooms clean after you.


Allmän information/general information  Golvsopning/Floor sweeping
Liten torktumlares kondensbehållare/small dryer condensation container Liten Torktumlares luddfilter/Small dryer lint filter
Större torktumlare/bigger dryer Torkskåp/drying cabinet