Härdenbladet/Housing co-op newspaper (November 2024) har publicerats/has published!
Härdenbladet/Housing co-op newspaper (November 2024) har publicerats/has published!
In the recycling room at the garage entrance, you can throw away household rubbish, food waste, cartons, newspapers, plastic, glass, metal packaging, batteries and lamps. Be sure to throw the right things in the right bin. Instructions can be found in the recycling room and in the documents below. It is not permitted to leave waste outside the containers! ATTENTION! This can result in you being assigned a handling fee for mishandling rubbish of SEK 500
Bulky rubbish
Bulky rubbish can be disposed of in the bins in the small house in the car park opposite the garage entrance. Consider what can be thrown in the bins. Notes are available at the gate. the vessels must not be overfilled! Check before carrying down larger waste. The coarse garbage is emptied every Tuesday morning. Under no circumstances must waste be placed outside the bins or gates! An exception is bulky appliances that may be placed next to the dishes.
Contact the board to borrow a key to open the gates to the solid waste
Även elavfall finns numera i det lilla huset på parkeringen. Var noga med att lägga ditt elavfall i avsedda burar och kärl som finns på höger sida innanför grindarna.
I återvinningsrummet finns det särskilda kärl för glödlampor, lysrör samt batterier.
Bilbatterier får man själv ansvara för att ta till en återvinningscentral!
Hitta närmaste återvinningscentral
Sortering av matavfall
Sortering grovsopor & Miljöfarligt avfall
Aktuell information gällande balkonginglasningensinspektion:
Latest information regarding balcony glass inspections:
Härdenbladet/Housing co-op newspaper (August 2024) här/here!